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Spirituality and Religion 
Part 1

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Spirituality& Religon 1


Spirituality& Religion 2 


Spirituality: what is it?


Is There A God?


The Church Service


My Belief



According to recent polls there is a growing number of so-called baby-boomers seeking spirituality. If this is true, and you are one of those, there are some questions you should probably ask, such as:

            1.  What does "being spiritual" really mean?

            2.  Is there a difference between spirituality and religion?

            3.  How do you become spiritual? 

            4.  Is one form of spirituality as good as another? 

            5.  Why should you read what I have to say?

    Let me try and answer 5. first. a. At the time of this writing I'm 77. Since about the third grade I've been interested in and seeking "the way," even though my parents were neither religious nor spiritual. That means this was a journey I took on my own at a very early age, first by using teachers, such as priests. When I discovered they didn't really know, they just believed an "ism," I sought to find truth from a higher source through meditation and prayer; it was a rough road. b. I do not have any books for sale nor do I try to make a living by selling spirituality. My only interest is in helping others find their way through a maze of non-truths, half-truths and down right lies. c. I've made a lot of both religious and spiritual mistakes and have discovered everything I know or believe the hard way. In this regard I've learned that spirituality has a cost, but not necessarily financial.

    Now to number 1: What does "being spiritual" really mean? I once heard an atheist on PBS say that he was spiritual, but didn't believe in God. I found that confusing—how can you be spiritual without believing in the source of spirit? After all, being spiritual has its roots in the "spirit." "Spirit" is different from physical or material, meaning it's ethereal as opposed to corporeal. Being spiritual means that we strive to reach that aspect of ourselves that can't be seen, but that is the real us; it is that part of our being that survives death. It is that part of our being that defines who we are. It is a part of us that seeks union with our Creator Spirit, most often called "God." 

    Number 2: Is there a difference between spirituality and religion? Although the two should go hand in hand, there is definitely a difference. Religion tends to be about rules and regulations and tells us emphatically how to live and what to believe. Islam, Judaism and Christianity have books that they take (usually) literally: For Moslems (followers of Islam) it's the Koran; Jews and Christians, on the other hand, both believe in the Old Testament, but Christians have added the "New" Testament. (Both call it a bible, which merely means a collection of books.) All adherents claim these books are God's message to all people. 

    Spirituality is different, for you do not need a book to be spiritual. All that is needed is quiet time to reflect and reach out through the mind to that which is beyond you and yet a part of you. I believe it truly helps to be a believer in God through religion, for they have a clearer sense of the creative force called God. (Hence the confusion mentioned in number 1. above.) Those who are spiritual, regardless of religion, tend to find common ground—a meeting place—even though they follow radically different paths; I call this the Kindred Spirit Connection. The discovery is that God is loving, not vengeful.

    Religion always seeks converts and has a tendency to create vicious warriors who have a "believe as I believe" or else attitude. 

    Spirituality tends to create people who are more loving, kind and service oriented. When this is combined with a non-fundamentalist religious belief, it is wonderful because you become part of a larger family. 

    Number 3.  How do you become spiritual? Becoming spiritual requires a religious-like commitment be being relaxed and quiet for twenty to thirty minutes every day in a state of meditation. There are many books written about meditation, but, like religion, each meditational path has a guru or teacher who is more than willing, for a price, to teach you the way to nirvana (enlightenment). No teacher is necessary—in fact a teacher can be a serious detriment. Learn to meditate and just be still and listen.  If you have questions about life, spirituality or about anything, simply ask while in a meditative state and then be still and listen with the "ear of the mind". That is called prayer. If you're having problems with life, kids, marriage, or anything, lift it up in meditation and ask for help. In doing this you will find your life becomes happier, easier and more satisfying. (If you have questions just email me through the "Comments Page.")  

    Number 4.  Is one form of spirituality as good as another? In a way I answered that above, because spirituality, like religion, is big business (and this from a Presbyterian pastor). Yes, there is a difference. If you need a teacher, find one who is not interested in your pocketbook, but only in serving people, God or both. There is one great advantage to having a teacher: you make a commitment. Without a teacher things get in the way that fill your quiet time, such as, work, PTA, taking kids hither, thither and yon.  You find yourself saying, "I won't meditate today, I don't have time." When we skip just once it becomes a habit and we find we never have the time.         

    I hope this has helped you. If you would like, I do have a meditation technique I'd be happy to email you for free. And, you won't be bothered by being put on an email list—I don't have one. By the way, now that you've found us, your comments are welcomed, so if you would like to comment, please click here.